Ice Hockey World Championship
in Austria 1996 - Vienna

The IIHF World championships in Austria were definitely the best organized so far for us. We had now learned how, when, where and why and the number of images is huge this year, very huge.
It was during this years event that e got our present formation when we got Patrik as our fourth member to our supporter gang. Those that knows us personally knows that it is Patrik that is the designated driver to the Championships. Johnny and Fredner are way to drunk to be able to drive and Gabbe don’t have a driver’s license at all so for him it is a non-issue.

The World Championship in Vienna was a great event in every way where we once again met lots of new and old friends and most of them from the championships in Italy two years ago.


The crew is prepared in Gothenburg. Still we are sober and unharmed from alcohol, something that will change during the weeks to come.
The caravan in the background was to become our home and base camp for intensive partying, that was our plan. We wanted the caravan to be the hub for Swedish and foreign fans that liked to party and also so that people would know what gang to stick to when it comes to partying during the championships.

Since we were to take the boat from Sweden directly to Germany we made sure to fill up our supplies of beer and alcohol. Here have we just had our hockey jerseys taken on and are now preparing to bring all the alcohol into the caravan.

After having purchased our supplies we managed to party and drink during the entire night on the boat and unfortunately there are no pictures at all from this partying, which is all PATRIKS FAULT!!! But according to unconfirmed rumors there is one girl in northern Norway that have images from this and if we get hold of her we will of course publish them. We are not ashamed of anything!!

In the morning we found Fredner sleeping like a child up in the restaurant where we had been partying the night before. Here he have just woken up and realizes that his Viking helmet is gone. Fredner more or less turned the restaurant upside down to find it, which he eventually did. The staff was shouting and screaming about the mess that he created but we did not care. We never care.
Fredner somewhere along the Autobahn with his drum and helmet and the belly filled with beer.
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere it is obviously time for food. For gods sake, are we not in Vienna soon?

During the Championships in Italy two years ago we met some very nice and great guys from Finland, and we decided to pick up one of them, Muppa, in Fulda on the way down to Vienna. Muppa was to prove himself being a just as great party person as we are.

Here Gabbe and Johnny can be seen in the background talking to Muppa and Fredner in the foreground.

