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Thank you!
This is the place where we wanna thank all of you people out there around the world that in one way or the other have helped us in making this webpage. We wanna thank you for your contributions, wether it is pictures, films, or any other help that you have provided us with over the years.

To those of you that wish to be anonymous, for one reason or the other, we will thank you in more non-public ways.

WC 1993, Munich, Dortmund
After eight years Jörgen found out that he actually had pictures from the Championships in Germany.
After some research we found two that contained one of the members in what was to become Svea Svin.

WC 1994, Canazei/Milano
Annika wasn't afraid to bring out some great pics from the Championships in Canazei when Fredner called her after five years.
Without Annika the Italy-site would have been nothing!
If you have photos or selfmade film from Italy 1994, please contact us as we will pay 1€/min of film from 1994.    

WC 1995, Stockholm
After seven years suddenly some pics from the Championships in Stockholm appeared in our mailbox.
Briza in Czechia sent them to us and without him our 1995-site would still have been as empty as it has been up until now.

WC 1996, Vienna
All pics from this Championship is our own

WC 1997, Turku, Helsinki
All pics from this Championship is our own

WC 1998, Zurich
Pernilla was really great when it came to supplying us with pics from this Championship. She sent pics from the Gold-games and we can thank her for the pics of the swedish heroes in Zürich.    

WC 1999, Oslo/Lillehammer
Briza from Czechia is gettin lots of thanks for all the pics from Norway and then especially the pics from the last final games in Lillehammer against finland. All of the pics from that occation comes from Briza. Jeanette also contributed with some nice pics of her, Fredner, Gabbe and some more people in Oslo and Lillehammer. Marit who was one of the "Blackruss" in Lille-hammer promised to send pics to us. It took over one year, but better late then never and lots of thanx fror remembering us!    

Another person that also have contributed with pics to the Norway-site is Jukka from finland that supplied us with the great pics of Fredner on the skateboard in Oslo and also some other pics. Thanks a lot Jukka!!!

WC 2000, St. Petersburg
Great thanks to Ellu from finland who sent us a big pac of pics to us from both the first and the second week Joy from Canada sent over some pics of the swedish supporters and that was really nice of her considering the effort! Lots of thanx to Tina who sent us some really cool pics from Samson and from inside the arenas. Marit, also from finland did send over some pics from the second week. Taina who came the second week provided us with nice pics from the week that she spent with us.
Wille who came the second week together with the "5:th of may gang" also contributed with pics from outside the arena. Persson who was part of the "5:th of may gang" provided us with a really great article that he wrote about us all. (only published on the swedish verion of the site) Ecke from
Ruskiga Rojarna saved and sent over the first page of Expressen Sport which we have published on pur "Media" page.
Lillis contributed with some "wonderful" pics from the toilet and the showerroom at hote Samson and some pics from Yubilenu-arena.  

We have also gotten pics sent to us from different people in Russia. Unfortunately we have no information about them but we really wanna thank them anyway!

WC 2001, Cologne/Hannover
Ellu, a nowadays very good supplier of pics to Svea Svin, helped us this year too with pics both from the qualifying and the final-round. Briza from Czechia did let us use some of the pics that he took in Köln and during the finals in Hannover. He also provided us with the film clip from the final angainst finland.

WC 2002, Gothenburg WC 2003, Turku
Report in progress      
      #64 Lövis sent lots of pics from Åbo and without him the report from finland would have been really, really lame!  

WC 2004, Ostrava/Praha
Ellu, hardly made it home from Czechia until she mailed us with tons of cool partypics from Ostrava. Erika sent some really good pics from the partying in Ostrava. Lövis came down with his drunk posse to Ostrava after a few days and were also in Praha. Pics came from both towns. Nislas was the one that scanned all the pics that we took ourselves during the World Champs in Czechia.  Martin did in the last minute send some really col partypics from the partying at Bernie's.

WC 2005, Innsbruck/Vienna
Henke contributed with pictures from the Pre-party in Innsbruck before the game SWE-CZE. "Alter Schwede", the most fanatic Swedish-Austrian sent pictures and films fom the pre-party before the Semi and pics from SWE-fin. Lövis, who travelled with us contributed with films and pics from the entire Championships. Johanna sent pictures from Innsbruck from the first week in Austria. Ellu sent pictures both from the heavy drinking in Innsbruck as well Vienna.
We can thank Jocke for the films from the first week in Innsbruck as well as lots of pics! Of course did Briza from Czechia contribute this year as well with lots of great pics from the days in Innsbruck and Vienna.      

WC 2006, Riga
Larsa sent pictures from the various parties that we had. Jessica contributed with pictures from inside the arenas and the final game. Lövis, once again sent hudreds of pictures and film clips and also helped to identify various players. Johanna sent pictures from our first days in Riga. And so did Jocke.
Briza sent a DVD with 1,7Gb(!) pictures. Wi didn't use all, but some of them.

Daddy and son Tijanic from Croatia realised after a day or so togther with the various support groups who were the best party crew.
They sent a lot of pictures from the entire World Championships.

Ellu from finland sent a huge amount of pictures. As she always does!  

WC 2007, Moscow
Ellu did as always send over a huge lot of pictures to us Just like Jorma... ...and Jami Briza contributed with pitures and film. Jan Düsing from the Swedish newspaper Expressen sent over several pictures from the first day we were in Moscow..
VM 2008, Ville de Quebec
Charlie sent pictures from Bates Motel. Frogboy sent pictures and movie clips from the entire event. Mia & Minna sent almost all the pictures from the partying that took place in their apartment. Hejduk, from Briza fanclub sent this years Czech Championships DVD and we use clips from it in this years report.
Plattan sent pictures from Bates Motel and from the arena.        
Are you one of the contributors of pictures to this report but are not listed here. Send us an send us an email and we will add you to the list of contributors.